Security & Investigation Consultation
SIR Investigations is a company that comprises predominantly of full-time, part-time, or retired police officers from Federal, State, County, City, and the U.S. Military. Some of our personnel have Top Security clearances and bring forth a great deal of experience in a large variety of fields.
Our consulting team is highly qualified and specialize in:
- Active Shooter situations
- How to prevent active shooter occurrences
- Crime Prevention at businesses and homes
- Placement of Cameras, electronic key codes, and other security measures for all types of businesses ranging from small one-room businesses to large retail, wholesale, and storage locations
- We assist law enforcement, law firms, families, businesses, factories, and other companies in the prevention of:
- Violence in the Work Place
- Special security measures in the event of threats of violence
- How to prevent Violence in the Work Place
- Domestic Violence
- Spousal Abuse
- Child Abuse
- Elderly Abuse