Security & Investigation Consultation

Security & Investigation Consultation

SIR Investigations is a company that comprises predominantly of full-time, part-time, or retired police officers from Federal, State, County, City, and the U.S. Military. Some of our personnel have Top Security clearances and bring forth a great deal of experience in a large variety of fields.

Our consulting team is highly qualified and specialize in:

  • Active Shooter situations
  • How to prevent active shooter occurrences
  • Crime Prevention at businesses and homes
  • Placement of Cameras, electronic key codes, and other security measures for all types of businesses ranging from small one-room businesses to large retail, wholesale, and storage locations
  • We assist law enforcement, law firms, families, businesses, factories, and other companies in the prevention of:
    1. Violence in the Work Place
    2. Special security measures in the event of threats of violence
    3. How to prevent Violence in the Work Place
    4. Domestic Violence
    5. Spousal Abuse
    6. Child Abuse
    7. Elderly Abuse